Primary Care that Helps You Maintain Better Health
Piedmont Physicians of Locust Grove is a primary care practice dedicated to helping you get better - and stay well. We offer same-day appointments, easy online scheduling and free parking.
Video Visits
Video visits are one more option we offer you for seamless, safe access to the exceptional care you’ve come to expect from us. If you have a minor illness or other health concern, you can receive a diagnosis, treatment plan, and prescriptions (if necessary) by a Piedmont provider in real time. And it’s so convenient—you log in to our virtual waiting room to talk to a provider from your home, car, office, or wherever you are.
Dr. Charmille Hare received her undergraduate degree from Morris Brown College in Atlanta and then went on to graduate from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. She completed her residency training in family medicine at the Duke University affiliated Southern Regional Area Health Education Center in North Carolina. Prior to joining Piedmont, Dr. Hare was in practice in Barnesville, Georgia. She is board certified in family practice, and she is a member of the American Osteopathic Association, American College of Osteopathic Family Practitioners and the American Academy of Family Practice. As a family physician, she enjoys caring for patients of all ages. Dr. Hare believes in establishing open communication in the physician-patient relationship and in collaborating with the patient to help them reach their best health and to prevent disease. She also has a strong desire to continue to teach the next generation of physicians through mentorship and preceptorship. When she is not working, Dr Hare enjoys training for races, cooking with her husband, singing in her church choir and spending time with her husband and three sons. Dr. Hare welcomes new patients and accepts most insurance providers.